Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Bueno, otra vez abri esta cosa, es extraño, se que nadie me sigue en el internet, primero porque posteo una vez cada 5 años, y segundo porque la mayor parte del tiempo hasta yo me olvido que tengo esta pagina. Ahora solo la abrí porque me dio curiosidad de ver lo había puesto, el ultimo post que tenia se refería a aquella vez que regrese a Holanda sin saber que mismo estaba haciendo, con la esperanza de quedarme. Me acorde que tenia un trabajo a medio tiempo, vivía en un dormitorio muy pequeño, y tenia la esperanza puesta en una persona que nunca hizo otra cosa mas que engañarme. Extraña vida huh, Ahora estoy en el Ecuador desde hace ya varios años, estoy trabajando en algo que en verdad me gusta, con un salario bien puesto y encima conocí a alguien a quien amo muchísimo y me ama, es una persona maravillosa. Pareciera que todo esta muy bien, vivo en un departamento grande, cercano a mi familia, a mis padres especialmente. Pero, siempre hay un pero, cualquiera diría, -este pendejo porque se queja- pero siempre es asi, siempre hay un pero. El pero es que me sigo sintiendo vacío con lo que quiero hacer, me muero por hacer algo importante, algo que valga la pena, no me interesa fama o dinero, solo hacer algo que valga la pena. A veces pareciera que he encontrado el camino, sin embargo me vuelvo y me vuelvo a perder. Ya no se que me pasa, me ha vuelto una persona insegura en cuanto al amor, aun cuando se que esta mujer maravillosa con la que estoy me ama y me es fiel, siento inseguridad, se que todo se lo debo a esa mujer voluptuosa y bonita que tenia hace años, esa persona que me engaño, es raro, necesito enfocarme en lo bueno de mi vida, pero por alguna extraña razón estoy todo el tiempo pensando en las cosas malas que me han pasado y en lo que no logro hacer que suceda, a veces siento que me estoy saboteando a mi mismo para no ser feliz del todo. Es que en verdad quiero llegar a hacer algo importante, y veo que cada vez dejo de lado las cosas, me vuelve loco, pero me he dado cuenta que tengo miedo de seguir con las cosas, una y otra vez hago lo mismo, me he saboteado sin pensarlo. Necesito calmarme, tomar decisiones sobre mi trabajo y hacerlo, pero en este momento deberia estar haciendo eso y sin embargo me encuentro posteando una serie de letras que nadie mas leera sino yo.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Arquitectura de Estado
PArece que es un buen momento en este país para levantar un poco la voz sobre los posibles efectos de una arquitectura mal pensada
Saturday, August 7, 2010
En una semana, en un país con lengua completamente extrania, donde encontrar donde vivir es casi imposible con el presupuesto de alguien que decidió venir a trabajar, para partirse la espalda, confiando en que con sus capacidades puede mejorar, las cosas no se ven tan bien, como se imagina la gente a quien deje alla. Ahora me pregunto el proque decidi venir, es extranio estar aqui. Haber venido dejando a toda mi familia, posibles oportunidades de puertas que se iban abriendo. En un mes, se abrieron más puertas de la que aqui empujando fertemente no pude mover ni un átimo. Ahora me pregunto para que vine a un país tan extranio. Sin embargo, por alguna extrania razón sigo confiando en que podré lograr lo que en algún momento me decidí a hacer. El anio anterior las cosas se veían extranias. Ahora, un nuevo capítulo de lucha se abre y espero que las cosas se vean mejor. El encontrate caminando por la calle de las embajadas en la haya preguntandote el proque de absolutamente todo lo que te rodea y de todas las decisiones que tomaste. El porque todavia confías en la gente, especialmente en las personas que te han demostrado que no debes hacerlo, y sin embargo no pierdes la fé en ellos. No pierdes la fe porque si pierdes la fé en aquellos en quienes te convenciste que podías confiar, pierdes la fé en la humanidad. Sin embargo, todos vinimos solos, nos econtramos solos en un mundo donde tu presencia se graba por instantes en la memoria de alguien quien te olvidará, aun cuando le hagas acuerdo que existes y que seguiras tragando momentos amargos para que esa persona se sienta bien y sepa que puede contar contigo. La consideras tu amiga y quieres ser amigo, por alguna razón quieres convencerte que es posible enseniar a ser amigo. Eso no se aprende, simplemente se lo lleva. Alguna vez alguien te dijo que amor se paga con amor. Bueno, no te han pagado, y no lo van a hacer. En esta vida nos encontramos solos en el mundo, todas las decisiones que tomamos deben ser y pertenecer a nosotros y por nosotros, por nadie más. Alguien puede pensar que eso es egoismo o egocentrismo, no es asi, es solo sobre-vivencia.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sunday, April 6, 2008
March 17
Padre nuestro que estas en el cielo
Santificado sea tu nombre
Venga a nosotros tu reino.....
A prayer in Spanish, A song in Polish, a Christian Church inside a Muslim Neighborhood in India are probably the 30 minutes of the month that I will remember the most.
March 18
An invitation to a ceremony to put the name to child, In Muslim tradition when a child born they sacrifice a goat. Amina spent the entire day preparing the food and in the night we had the only home made food that we had during the time we were there. The same goat we saw alive in the morning. (I am taking Ari’s photos to publish).
Marzo 19
We went to visit all the mosques in Muslim Negar. We also visit some altars that are located in the courtyards. What called our attention was that those altars were devoted no to one single religion but to different religions and people said that Wveryone who wants to pray can do it there.
March 20
An action with the people and an intervention in the space: Who want to draw, we wanted to draw with everyone, although in five minutes we were surrounded by around 100 children, so they were the ones who draw for us. Crayons and papers, and a question is the only thing we needed to create a big congestion inside the Negar. With the results of the drawings we made the intervention, creating a path from the main avenues to inside the Negar. People collaborate with us a lot and even if the results were not what we expected we indeed learned a lot from that action.
March 21
It was almost the last day: presentation in the morning, last visit to Muslim Negar to say goodbye, dinner in the night, Happy holy with our Indian Friends and to see the fire. For me a no picture day, just to live it as it was.
March 22 and 23 Saturday, last day last time to go to buy things and souvenirs, dinner for one euro, too much food and the flight was cancelled. It was snowing in Netherlands when we arrive.
Padre nuestro que estas en el cielo
Santificado sea tu nombre
Venga a nosotros tu reino.....
A prayer in Spanish, A song in Polish, a Christian Church inside a Muslim Neighborhood in India are probably the 30 minutes of the month that I will remember the most.
March 18
An invitation to a ceremony to put the name to child, In Muslim tradition when a child born they sacrifice a goat. Amina spent the entire day preparing the food and in the night we had the only home made food that we had during the time we were there. The same goat we saw alive in the morning. (I am taking Ari’s photos to publish).
Marzo 19
We went to visit all the mosques in Muslim Negar. We also visit some altars that are located in the courtyards. What called our attention was that those altars were devoted no to one single religion but to different religions and people said that Wveryone who wants to pray can do it there.
March 20
An action with the people and an intervention in the space: Who want to draw, we wanted to draw with everyone, although in five minutes we were surrounded by around 100 children, so they were the ones who draw for us. Crayons and papers, and a question is the only thing we needed to create a big congestion inside the Negar. With the results of the drawings we made the intervention, creating a path from the main avenues to inside the Negar. People collaborate with us a lot and even if the results were not what we expected we indeed learned a lot from that action.
March 21
It was almost the last day: presentation in the morning, last visit to Muslim Negar to say goodbye, dinner in the night, Happy holy with our Indian Friends and to see the fire. For me a no picture day, just to live it as it was.
March 22 and 23 Saturday, last day last time to go to buy things and souvenirs, dinner for one euro, too much food and the flight was cancelled. It was snowing in Netherlands when we arrive.
Mumbai Second Weekend
March 15 and 16
A trip to Arangabad (I will never know how to spell it)
A strange bus, a friend next to me who moves a lot when he sleep, thanks for the flu that I catch for your fault. 10 hours of traveling, we arrived really tired, there was bugs in the mattresses of the bus and also in the mattresses of the hotel (of course the cheapest we get). I would like to do it again sometime.
Ellora Caves, it was simply amazing, I don’t have any other word to describe them.The fort, a trip in bikes and a Dance competition of Dayo made a great weekend.
A trip to Arangabad (I will never know how to spell it)
A strange bus, a friend next to me who moves a lot when he sleep, thanks for the flu that I catch for your fault. 10 hours of traveling, we arrived really tired, there was bugs in the mattresses of the bus and also in the mattresses of the hotel (of course the cheapest we get). I would like to do it again sometime.
Ellora Caves, it was simply amazing, I don’t have any other word to describe them.The fort, a trip in bikes and a Dance competition of Dayo made a great weekend.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Mumbai: Second Week
March 10: Mapping Dharavi Main road
How can you take a picture without looking at the camera, knowing that you are being measured by the people who walk next to you?
March 11:
An open Discussion with the teachers about what we were doing.
March 12:
Tour through the city, we drive around in the bus the thing that called my attention was the fishermen village. A small place in the middle of the city which I imagine was completely swallowed by Mumbai and now it can be consider as a slum. We ended in a movie theater to see Bollywood. Of course I felt sleep.
March 13:
A day without a camera by myself and without the opportunity to draw anything.
We had to find Amina Khan, social worker in Muslim Negar. Amina lives there since 1947 and everybody knows her and she also knows everybody. Amina is an incredible woman a complete matriarch. The presence this woman has inside the Negar is huge, almost scary to tell the truth. Even when she live in Dharavi, I have the impression that that woman is everything but poor. She was very helpful for us and she helped us to understand the culture and the History of Muslim Negar.
March 14:
Another day without a camera by myself and without the opportunity to draw anything.
We met Azif, another social worker in Muslim Negar. As Amina, he gave the impression of being quite wealthy, if not wealthy, not poor. His presence is not a strong as Amina’s but it is obvious that he also knows a lot of the Negar. It is a shame that we did not have any other opportunity to talk with him.
Mapping Dharavi Main Road |
How can you take a picture without looking at the camera, knowing that you are being measured by the people who walk next to you?
March 11:
An open Discussion with the teachers about what we were doing.
March 12:
Tour through the city, we drive around in the bus the thing that called my attention was the fishermen village. A small place in the middle of the city which I imagine was completely swallowed by Mumbai and now it can be consider as a slum. We ended in a movie theater to see Bollywood. Of course I felt sleep.
March 13:
A day without a camera by myself and without the opportunity to draw anything.
We had to find Amina Khan, social worker in Muslim Negar. Amina lives there since 1947 and everybody knows her and she also knows everybody. Amina is an incredible woman a complete matriarch. The presence this woman has inside the Negar is huge, almost scary to tell the truth. Even when she live in Dharavi, I have the impression that that woman is everything but poor. She was very helpful for us and she helped us to understand the culture and the History of Muslim Negar.
March 14:
Another day without a camera by myself and without the opportunity to draw anything.
We met Azif, another social worker in Muslim Negar. As Amina, he gave the impression of being quite wealthy, if not wealthy, not poor. His presence is not a strong as Amina’s but it is obvious that he also knows a lot of the Negar. It is a shame that we did not have any other opportunity to talk with him.
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