I have always thought that Architecture is the understanding of the relation between space and human beings. Most of the people do not really experiment the space, do not really live the space, as architects I think that we should not forget to do that.
Jorge Luis Borges said:
“Todo escritor se jacta de los libros que ha escrito. Yo me jacto de los libros que he leĆdo”.
…Every Writer is proud of the books he has written, but I am proud of those books I have read.
As architects I think we have to read the space and be proud of those spaces we were able to read. In our search for understanding we must look different approaches to the space that surround us. The moment we closed our eyes I was able to understand the space in which we were. Different sensations came into my mind and every part of my body was looking for a space where people were part of it.

During the seminar it was an attempt to define what actually a slum is. In my opinion, it can be compared with a biological organism which grows according its own necessities. Are we able to understand it? I think we are not, but I am sure we are able to learn from it. And in order to do that we should be aware of the fact that there are hundreds of conditions that provoke hundreds of consequences for the establishment of these neighborhoods that are seeing by their own population as different communities inside a city.
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